If you are a pet groomer who operates as an independent contractor, it is important to have a formal agreement in place with your clients. This agreement helps to establish clear expectations and responsibilities for both parties, and can also help to protect you legally should any disputes arise.

Before you enter into an independent contractor agreement with a client, it is important to make sure you understand the terms of the agreement and that it meets your needs as a pet groomer. Some key elements to include in this type of agreement might include:

1. Services provided: This section should outline the specific services that you will provide to the client, such as bathing, grooming, nail clipping, etc. Be as specific as possible to avoid confusion or misunderstandings later on.

2. Fees and payment: Clearly outline your fees for the services you provide, and how and when payment will be made. This might include a deposit upfront, payment in full upon completion of services, or payment on a recurring basis if you have an ongoing arrangement with the client.

3. Cancellation policy: Define your policy for cancellations and rescheduling of appointments. This might include a minimum notice period required for cancellations, or a fee for late cancellations.

4. Liability and indemnification: Outline your liability in the event of injury to the pet while in your care, and indemnification from the client in the event that they are responsible for any damages or injuries.

5. Termination: Define the process for terminating the agreement, including notice periods and any fees that may be required.

6. Confidentiality: If you have access to any personal or confidential information about the client or their pets, include a confidentiality clause to protect their privacy.

7. Governing law: Specify the state or jurisdiction that will govern the agreement, and include any relevant legal requirements or regulations for pet grooming in that area.

By outlining these key elements in a pet groomer independent contractor agreement, you can help to protect yourself legally and ensure that both you and your clients are clear on your expectations and responsibilities. Be sure to review the agreement carefully with your client before signing, and consult with a legal professional if you have any questions or concerns.